My Chemical Project

Dart 3.6.0, Flutter 3.27.1, Firebase, BLoC, Auto Route, Material and Cupertino Design


ChemCraf is an application designed with students in mind, enabling them to draw chemical compounds. The app will feature both inorganic and organic compounds. Each user will have the opportunity to independently test their skills in drawing and naming chemical compounds. The planned release date of the application is March 24, 2025.



In this section, you will find commercial projects in which I had the pleasure of participating as a programmer. While these are not my individual achievements, each project is the result of my commitment and collaboration with the team at the respective company.

Dart 3.4.0, Flutter 3.22.0, Firebase, Provider, Geolocator, pedometer, Audio Service, Payments, Rest API, JSON


Narravia is an innovative mobile application that combines a passion for reading with physical activity, available on both Google Play and App Store. Its primary goal is to encourage users to go for walks, rewarding their effort with new chapters of captivating stories to read.These stories, known as walkbooks, can also be listened to in audio format, allowing everyone to tailor their content consumption to their preferences. Additionally, Narravia enriches each walkbook with beautiful illustrations.



In this section, you will find projects I created during the mentoring program.

Flutter 3.7.6, Firebase

Chemical App

The application was created for high school students preparing for chemistry exams. It provides an engaging way to learn about organic chemistry reactions. The app includes a registration and login panel. After successfully logging in, the user is presented with a menu where they can choose either a study section or a quiz section to test their knowledge. Each correct answer awards the user a point. The application will be expanded with new sections over time.

Java 11, JavaFX 19, SceneBuilder, CSS, OpenWeatherMap API, JUnit5, Mockito

Weather Application

The weather application was created to display the weather forecast for two selected cities simultaneously. Data such as temperature, description, and humidity are fetched from the OpenWeatherMap API. The application shows the current weather as well as a 4-day forecast.

MVC, PHP, HTML/CSS, Java Script, MySql, Bootstrap

Budget Application

The program is designed to facilitate managing recipient data and searching for it. It includes a registration and login panel. Upon successful login, the user is presented with a menu where they can, among other options, add a recipient, delete them, or edit selected information. The program allows for searching recipients by first or last name.

C++, OPP

Address Book

The program is designed to facilitate managing recipient data and searching for it. It includes a registration and login panel. Upon successful login, the user is presented with a menu where they can, among other options, add a recipient, delete them, or edit selected information. The program allows for searching recipients by first or last name.